Dear Mr. Fear,
you brought me
so many tears you took away peers
Destroyed my mind
My peace
You've been
messing with me
For years
You've stolen my joy
You've stolen my dreams
ahh you make me
Want to scream
Ever since I was a child
you would always appear
you treated me like your
own personal puppeteer
When I wanted to speak
my own thoughts so clear
It was YOU who interfered
As you continued to
make me insecure
When I couldn't take
all these thoughts
My mind flood in high gear
So I became sick
Didn't care
Sometimes wanted
To disappear
I felt all alone
With You, me
And the other man
down there
You became my go to
You became the one I ran to
You were my
Mr. Fear
But Im writing you this now
To tell you how I feel
And what we have is not working
Im ready for a new engineer
I can't take you no more
You've closed so many doors
brought me so much pain
find someone else to ignore
So Im done with you
WE are through
Your no longer my main
The one I run to
Because theres a man upstairs
Who's right by my side
Who's name is Jesus
This thing called life
I declare and decree
That you have no power
Over me
Your lies
Your torture
Better take your hands
off of me
So Mr. Fear
Come again?
You are only
But a stranger to me
My former Ex.
So don't you dare
Lay your hands on me
So goodbye Mr. Fear
Im moving onto
Someone better
His name Is
Mr. Bravery