It's time for us to live in unity
Love in our community
And live as Christ's body
As I am the thigh
And you are the knee
And begin to show people
A glimpse of eternity
Because when there is unity
There is community
And beauty
As we can one day
Change this thing called history
It will be a journey
But it starts with You and me
To break this cycle of disunity
Let's begin to disentangle our minds
Of the things that has put us in slavery
Because these are the days
Where the enemy will try to stop
Us from being in unity
Because when there is unity
There is more power with G-O-D
As we fight in His army
Not physically but spiritually
United as Christs community
Because God wants us to come together
He wants us to have the victory
So grab your sister next to you
Grab your brother in front of you
Hug your friend behind you
Forgive your enemy
That's been binding you
Let go
Because today is the day
To be free
Today is the day
To break the cycle of enslavery
And begin to live in unitary
But first it starts with you
And it starts with me
It's time to live out the dream
God once had for humanity
It's time to be different
Be the change that we want to see
So my friend
My brother
My sister
Will you rise with me?